This week’s meeting with Kent City Schools superintendent George Joseph proved to be the hottest topic of the year! He, along with Tom Larkin, outlined to the club the various options available to our community’s children for the coming school year and contingent plans depending on the level of viral spread. Typically, there are 8-10 people who hang around after the meeting for 10-15 minutes of discussion. This week a half hour after the meeting ended there were close to 30 people still online discussing the topic! Next week we hear about the Kent City School’s elementary principal’s plans for the coming year, should again be an interesting meeting.
I don’t know about you but this ongoing vigilance concerning the Corona virus is taxing for me. It still doesn’t seem that everyone is practicing what the experts have outlined as the safest measures. I still see folks without masks in stores, including families with school age kids. How are our school’s going to enforce something that isn’t practiced at home? There was a Facebook post that you may have seen recently that I’ll paraphrase. Physicians including infectious disease specialists, research scientist and epidemiologists are saying wearing a face mask protects others, but activists who probably struggled to pass High School sciences say that wearing a mask makes no difference but is a conspiracy to suppress individual rights. Who should we listen to? I’ll get off my soapbox now.