Our President during the 1943-1944 year was Dr. John Painter. In a characteristic manner, John stated that he would give his best efforts to have a successful year and that he anticipated an exceedingly busy 12 months for the club due to the existing war conditions.  Throughout the year each of the weekly notices carried a special communication from the president. These messages were styled “Paintergrams.” They varied in content from President John‘s personal meditations to quotations from ancient seers, and all messages were founded on Rotary principles.
Directly following the luncheon at the Methodist Church on August 24, 1943 the Rotarians adjourned to the old town hall for exercises commemorating the 84th anniversary of the day that James A Garfield, 22nd President of the United States, was nominated in that building for his first public office as a state senator. On the east side of the building had been placed a plaque reciting the event and the year.

It’s still there today on Gougler Avenue for those who may be interested.

Jim Myers
