Amanda Feaster, KSU Director of Student Accessibillity Services, discussed the wide array of services available to college students with disabilities this week. She pointed out that unlike state mandated services in primary and secondary schools which require active screening, these services are provided only when sought by individuals enrolled in higher education. As pointed out by our members this a much more comprehensive program then what was available many years ago.
Next week we hear from former member Lori Wemhoff who is now Senior Vice President Communications and Marketing for the American Osteopathic Association.
While, as previously announced, we will not be meeting together in person before the first of July plans are underway for in person meetings. A committee, headed by current program director, Dave Myers, is busy planning how and when that can occur. Anyone who would like to contribute to this effort may contact Dave, myself, incoming President Kathy or next years program director Asad.