Last Tuesday as I was listening to Bill Benoit, President of Uh Portage, I felt reassured that there are decision makers who are knowledgeable, clear, and concise in providing information about this current COVID-19 crisis. UH is critical to the health and wellbeing of our greater community and it is clear that Bill’s leadership has provided a steady, and reassuring hand to that mission. And lest I forget, a big “thank You” to Rotarian Shawn Gordon, who arranged Bill’s availability to our club!  
This week’s program will feature Roger Hoover, Local artist and musician who will talk about his recent work during the pandemic “Porch Portraits.”  He has been featured on the Today Show and CNN, and brings a unique perspective to the impact of the virus on our community!
Rotary Board Meeting
The Rotary Board will meet, via Zoom, this Thursday, May 21 at 7:00pm. As in the past, if you would like to attend email me so I can admit you.