1950-51 President was Zanesville, Ohio native Turner Stump who came to KSU in 1930.  Within two years he was named head of the Department of Speech and build it into a major school on the KSU campus. The large theater on campus is named for him.

Internationalism set the theme for the year. Hallock Raup Of KSU brought an up-to-date account of Korea then prominently in the news. Dr. Allen Birchenoug of Ravenna Grace Episcopal Church caused a lot of commotion and comment when he recommended that we try to halt Russia by using the atomic bomb. Rotarians heard a member of the Hungarian Parliament who spoke on mid-Europe’s problems and Iranian Pera Benjamin, who came to this country destitute, but is now a successful merchant in Daytona Beach, Florida told  of his path to success. Harold Van Dorn head of the political science department at KSU reviewed the subject of his recent book, “Communism in China“. One program by a clergyman concerned “What the Church has to Offer to the World in the Mess it’s In”.
Club members helped the Kent Kiwanis club celebrate 25 years and did the same for the Cuyahoga Falls Rotary in its silver anniversary.  John Farinacci, Director of the prize winning American Legion band came with some of the band and talked about their championship. Albert Caris,  soon to be common pleas judge discussed “Americanism or Communism”.

The club was thanked for having paper drives to aid the school for retarded children soon to become Happy Day School and Bob Dix warned of disaster because of stream pollution.

More of our history.

Jim Myers
