Rotareminder for the Rotary Club of Kent
Hybrid Meeting on December 19, 2023
President Asad welcomed the group by calling the meeting to order at ~12:10pm. Our patriotic song of the day was the National Anthem accompanied by David Dix on piano, with Domique Bollebacher leading vocals, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. On this day the club sang White Christmas.
The Invocation for today’s was offered by Anne Moneypenny with Adam Alderson, Marck Pennell, and Roger Cramer working tech, and Brian K Bialik handling Rotareminder duties.
There were no visiting Rotarians.
Visitors / Guests
- Janet introduced her daughters Becca and Stacey.
- Amy Mucha introduced her daughter Daisy.
- President Asad introduced two future Rotarians.
- Amanda thanked all Rotarians who contributed toys to Habitat for Humanity. Toy items may still be dropped off at Coleman Health Services or Restore in Kent.
- Bill thanked all Rotarians for Salvation Army (SA) bell ringing and mentioned there is one remaining day to ring for SA tomorrow (12/20) from noon to 2:00pm or 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
- Carol Crimi announced that fellow Rotarian, Sue Whiting was admitted to UH unexpectedly.
- Dominique stated that the City of Kent will permit free parking in the immediate area all day on 12/21 through and including the 23rd.
Happy Buck Celebrants
- Paul Organ; Janet (Davey Tree); Will Underwood; Tom Myers; Randy Smith; Chas Madonnio; Carol Crimi; Anne Moneypenny; Jim Myers; Tom Hatch; David Myers; President Asad; and Amanda Senn.
- There were eight birthday announcements presented, but only one Rotarian, Roberta O’Keefe, was present. It was recommended by Jeff Roeger, and unanimously by the whole club, to award the free lunch to Roberta who had the courage to be present and face the music.
Special Recognition
- President Asad recognized Rotarian Jim Myers on sixty years of membership. Jim deflected the praise and called attention to our younger members as representing our future.
- President Asad also recognized the entire tech crew: Adam Alderson, Marck Pennell, and Roger Cramer for their outstanding work on coordinating zoom meeting and speaker AV accommodations.
Amanda Senn
Getting to know your fellow Rotarians
As has been done in the past, Amanda Senn put together a series of questions presented to select Rotarians of our club to get them to share personal things about themselves. This program had a distinct holiday theme designed to add some levity to the occasion.
Rotarians called upon to speak were:
- Dominque Bollenbacher
- Amy Mucha
- Hattie Tracey
- Nithia Venkataraman
- Howard Boyle
- Steve Dennis
- Brian Bialik
Programs remaining for December:
**There will be no meetings scheduled for the balance of the calendar year. Next club meeting will be January 9h, 2024.
January 9th - Dave Ruller The State of the City
January 16th – Michelle Hartman The State of the Chamber
Respectfully submitted,
Brian K Bialik