Rotareminder for the Rotary Club of Kent Hybrid Meeting on May 7, 2024 President Asad welcomed the group by calling the meeting to order at ~12:15pm. Our patriotic song of the day was our National Anthem David Dix (on piano) and Dominique Bollebacher (vocals) led the club in the singing of the KSU Fight Song followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Invocation for today’s meeting was offered by Rachel Kerns, with Marck Pennell and Roger Cramer working tech, Nithya Ventakarman handling photos, and Brian K Bialik handling Rotareminder duties. There were no visiting Rotarians. Visitors / Guests - Rachel Kerns introduced her guest Halina Charky.
- David Dix introduced two friends – Jim and Debbie Morrison visiting from British Vancouver.
- Ryan introduced two co-workers from the KSU athletic department – Kay and Eathon.
- Dr. Justin Gates introduced his spouse and two school administrators.
Announcements - Bill Childers announced a Community Partner Bus tour, organized by the Portgage County United Way. The event is open to all and is scheduled for Friday, May 17th between 9am and 2pm. The tour starts in Ravenna and includes lunch. Seating is limited so do not hesitate to sign up.
- Sherry joy, once again, is organizing, an Adopt-a-Spot project focused on the downtown gazebo. The project will be Saturday, May 25th at 9am. All interested should show up at the downtown gazebo at 9am with garden tools.
- Dominique announced that this is Public Service Recognition Week. Please take the time to thank a public servant.
- Rachel Kerns announced that there is a mandate issued by Rotary International this year that every member of every club take a Youth Protection Assessment exam. The link for this exam has been sent out twice to all members by Todd Kamanesh earlier this calendar year. It is vital that all members take this very seriously by responding when they receive this link, which will be sent out a third time. If any rotarian is having difficulty accessing this assessment, please reach out to Rachel Kerns who is more than happy to assist.
- PDG and PP Larry Lohman announced that there will be another water project in EL Salvador. A fundraising event for the same has been scheduled for June 5th at the Battleground restaurant. Seating is limited to ~50 so do not hesitate to sign up. Tickets are $50, with a portion of the proceeds directed towards the project.
- Jim Myers was recognized for 60 years of membership in the Kent Club. PDG Larry Lohman presented a certificate to Jim who was given a standing ovation.
Student of the Month May’s Student of the Month, presented by principal Kathy Scott, is Bryson Woods from Stanton Middle School. “Nothing but glowing praise for a young man who has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to excellence across his time at Stanton,” principal Kathy Scott remarked. His positive attitude and profound contributions to the broader community are extraordinary. He is also a special Olympian in the sports of track and field, as well as football, having amassed three medals for his acheivements with hopes of qualifying for competition at the state level. May Birthdays - Chris Martin .. May 3rd
- Dave Ruller…………...May 5th
- Tom Myers…………...May 7th
- Christie Anderson….May 7th
- Hattie Tracy…………..May 15th
- Bill Arthur……………..May 16th
- Bill Nome………………May 21st
- Will Underwood……May 21st
- Doug Fuller…………..May 22nd
- Larry Wright………….May 23rd
Happy Buck Celebrants - Joan was enthused about celebrating national nurses week.
- Will announced that the Kent City Schools has finally hired and trained two new bus drivers added to two current bus drivers that are coming back off the “injured list”.
- Shawn, a KSU alum, was happy to announce that her son’s club baseball team (at the Ohio State University) has made it to the world series.
- Sherry donated a happy buck on behalf of her husband Dave who is an avid sports fan of KSU.
- Carol celebrated the fine work of police (comfort) dog Matice.
- PDG Larry paid a fine voluntarily by way of a happy buck as a result of losing track of the time.
- Tom wished to honor our Student of the Month honoree.
- Paul reinterated recognition of Matice.
- Anne submitted a happy buck just because.
- Todd (Kamenesh) submitted a happy buck to honor all the good the police in our community do.
- President Asad wished to recognize: the Kent Police; Matice; the Student of the Month; and to all educators in our community.
Program KSU Head Football Coach Kenni Burns Building a Culture through Connectivity, Grit, and Togetherness KSU’s 23rd football coach, Kenni Burns, knows quite a bit when it comes to working from a position of disadvantage. As a youth, he was one of two children of a young, single mother. Growing up was tenuous at times. He was raised by a young mother who lacked the resources to raise two children, but who refused to surrender. So determined she was that she was able to deliver on a promise to earn her GED and accept a job at a correctional institution. It was from here that their family unit started to stabilze. Over time, Kenni’s mom was able to earn a PhD overcoming enormous odds, and eventually overseeing that same correctional institution. This story was relevant for Kenni because it helped tell the story of how he developed his character that would forever shape who he would become as a person, and equally important, the head football coach of a Division I football program. His professional mentor, PJ Fleck, head football coach at the University of Minnesota, was forced to deal with and overcome adversity when he lost a child. Similar to Kenni’s mom, PJ was able to overcome this circumstance that served as a reminder to Kenni as a young boy. To Coach Burns, KSU was an obvious choice. Having turned down other offers to be a head coach, his choice of KSU was the easy one. KSU’s alignment with Kenni’s core values for student athletes pushed him over the edge– to excel academically; to achieve athletically; and to develop socially and spititually. Coach Burns knew all too well from his childhood, that hard work (i.e., grit) was central to a person’s success on and off the field. The same grit that was largely responsible for the successes his mother achieved against the backdrop of the insurmountable hurdles she faced. In today’s landscape of collegiate athletics (NIL; transfer portal, etc…); there are new challenges that all college coaches face as they endeavor to teach their student athletes how to be successful on the field and in life. Coach Burn’s sees this clearly and remains committed to guiding his student athletes down this path by teaching them how to respond to adversity; staying positive; being yourself and all that comes with it; achieve academically; and have the integrity to own your decisions, constantly striving for more. Kenni was handed his first challenge at KSU which was to be handed a depleted roster of football players (reduced by 45 largely due to transfer portal activities). Not an enviable task in year one as their record would attest. “However, the only place to go now is upward,” says Coach Burns.. He is ever the optimist with a cadre of new recruits on their way, confident next season will bear more fruit. Programs remaining for March and the first part of April: - May 14th – Dr. Neil Cooper
- May 21st – TBD.
- May 28th – Experience as a Rotary exchange student – Maria Clara Zanoni.
- June 4th -- TBD
Howard Boyle responded to today’s presenter, head KSU football coach, Kenni Burns. Respectfully submitted, Brian K Bialik